大腦與學習(主講人:洪蘭教授) Brain and Learning (Speaker: Prof. Hong Lan)


腦科學揭露女人思考的秘密:洪蘭 Brain Science Reveals the Secrets of Women's Thinking: Hong Lan Daisy L. Hung @TEDxTaipei 2015

腦科學揭露女人思考的秘密:洪蘭 Daisy L. Hung @TEDxTaipei 2015

【Open Class】University of California: Learning How to Learn (All 41 Lectures) 【公开课】加州大学:学习如何学习(全41讲)


人為什麼會分心?專家教你如何保持「雷射光束」般的專注力 - Dr. Amishi Jha(中英字幕)

Why do people get distracted? Experts teach you how to maintain "laser beam" focus - Dr. Amishi Jha (English and Chinese subtitles)

人為什麼會分心?專家教你如何保持「雷射光束」般的專注力 - Dr. Amishi Jha(中英字幕)

9 Types Of Intelligence

9 Types Of Intelligence.