编辑语 From the Editors


Harvard Psychology Professor: Solving the Mystery of Human Personality - Who Are You? 哈佛心理学教授:解人类性格之谜——你究竟是谁 (TEDx)


Character Analysis: Re-Knowing Yourself (13 episodes in total) 性格剖析:重新认识你自己(全13集)


[Open Class] Tips for Communicating with People with Different Personalities (4 episodes)【公开课】与不同性格人沟通的窍门(4集)


性格测试 Personality Test

Take our Personality Test and get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. 参加我们的性格测试,并获得关于您是谁以及为什么以您的方式做事的“异常准确”的描述。

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